Saturday, April 21, 2012

Let's re-cap... Sort of...

I haven't really had anything to say as of late. It's been kind of a mellow, sobering couple of weeks... The kind of weeks where you really just want to keep your mouth shut and let things happen because there's really nothing else to do.

So, in the mean time, to occupy your time for a while while I collect my brain and piece is back in order, here's a few past posts you could go read.

Consider this the reviewing episode, the one where you're watching a show and there's a plot, but it mostly consists of scenes from every other past episode.

Want Great Heart Protection? Allow me to introduce you to... God. 

What is your place?


The image of God... Sins?

The last two are consecutive posts...
There are others from the past, but you can go find those yourself. And if you're feeling really adventurous, you can read my first post. Be warned though. It's mostly just me venting frustration in an inspirational way. Just like the one after it is a long lecture about twilight.

No reason. Just cause. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

God Logic vs World Logic.

I have this theory that once upon a time, the world worked on an entire different sort of logic... Because of a lack of science, yes... But more because by lack of science, facts were proven and not limited by law.
After all, the strength of sin is the law. 1 Corinthians tells us that. (You: Where?) Meh, go find it. I gave you the book if the bible. A hint though, the chapter starts with a rebuke to those who don't believe in the resurrection.

That's a perfect example, actually. Hm. Maybe that's why those two things are in the same chapter. I dunno. But this I know; according to the "laws of nature", dead things stay dead. Just like you can only go a mile a minute at 60 mph. 5 loaves of bread does not feed a starving multitude. And by the "laws of nature," seas and rivers do not split or stop flowing, the sun doesn't stand in place for any length of time, and donkeys definitely do Not talk.

Yet, here we have the Bible. Lazarus dies and stays that way for over a day. Jesus doesn't raise him off a death bead; he raises him out of a grave. A family grave. After he'd been carefully prepped and wrapped and laid to rest. In Luke, Jesus (Who died and is now not dead) walks to Emmaus with two disciples, who didn't recognize him... They invite him to eat dinner with them, and suddenly as he breaks bread they realize who he is. And then he vanishes. (We also have him floating up to heaven on a cloud later). In John ^ (Seriously, read this chapter) Jesus feed thousands of people on one boy's dinner, with left overs, and then proceeds to walk halfway across a lake, get in a boat, and suddenly the boat is at it's destination. Moses splits the Red Sea in half. The Israelites walk across the Jordan river... On dry land. The sun didn't move until the battle was won. And in Numbers Balaam got his a** chewed out by his ass. (Sorry if that offends anyone.)

In today's society, there are two opinions on these phenomenon. There's the Christian opinion which dubs them "miracles." This is a Biblical opinion, though in the greek they are called Signs and Wonder, just to be specific.

These are not Normal. Not now, anyways.

The world's opinion is that all these stories are insanity and factious. Exaggerations. Cool stories.

And why wouldn't they? It's not like the church today lives in that reality.

So here's my question: why not?

The Bible is chock full of awesome stories of things that are not Normal. But did we see Moses hesitate to throw his stick on the ground? No. And then it turned into a snake and ate the demon stick-snakes.

Which brings me to another point. "Miracles" are not limited simply to the church. We live in a reality limited to the physical. We live in a world where science defines what does and what doesn't happen. But see, science is merely limited to the three dimensions we see, and then the fourth dimension, or rather, time.

Science belongs to a world created. Science belongs to the earth. While it is real, it is NOT a governing system. God is the governing system. Did science exist before the world was made? No. Because there was no world to apply it to. There were no rules. There were no dimensions to work with, just... God. And the spirit of God hovered over the waters, and then He spoke light, and thus we see light without source.

No science. Just the power of the word of the uncreated God.

If we live according to world science, World Logic as I call it, then fruit has nothing to do with knowledge and revelation. Fruit is mere sustenance.

But throw that into God logic.

And in God logic, the application of Faith and Willingness results in a mere mortal man walking across the water to meet Jesus.

Do you see my point? Science has limited our scope. It's boxed us in to a certain set of rules pertaining to a limited amount of dimensions. It counts out the spirit realm.

It tells us that no one can look at a lame man begging at the Beautiful Gates and tell him to get up. It says Peter should have died at Herod's hand int eh book of Acts.

So... Where in the Bible does it tell us God Logic no longer applies? Where in the Bible are we told to live primarily according to the sciences and knowledges of man?

I don't know about you, but in My world... What God says goes. And I've got God living in me.
