Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Rules to Live By, Regarding Love

1.    You’re going to feel lonely.
2.    Your heart is fragile. Very fragile. Don’t give it away. Protect it.
3.    You can’t protect your heart. But God can.
4.    Just because you tell yourself not to fall for anyone, and not to want a bf/gf, doesn’t mean you’re not going to have that one person you can’t help but think about.
5.    Just because you fell for someone doesn’t mean they have or will ever fall for you. And you can’t interpret everything they do regarding you to mean that they do like you. (Or that they absolutely hate you.)
6.    You can’t stop yourself from thinking. You can, however, pray every single day and force yourself to focus on God. The more you do this, the better it will work.
7.    No, you and your person are not different from every other couple. There is no such thing as individuality, everyone is human and will make the same mistakes.
8.    You cannot love someone at first sight, unless that person is God. You can’t love at second sight either, and you really can’t “fall in love” with a person until you’ve gotten past mutual like and you’re very, very close to that person. This does not mean dating for a week. This means, steadily being together for at least a year.
9.    Always pray first. Always.
10.    If you haven’t had the chance to talk to God first, say no. And don’t convince yourself you heard God just cause you really, really like the person. If that was God talking, you’d know it.
11.   If you can’t decide what God’s saying, listen to your friends. If they’re all saying no, then the answer is no. If only most of them are unsupportive, the answer is still no. If it’s fifty-fifty, you should probably still say no, and you should press in really hard to God.
12.   Having a relationship with someone to prepare for a future relationship (or many future relationships) is an incredibly dumb idea. The best way to build a basis for a relationship is by having a good relationship with Jesus (Who is the ultimate Lover). Anything else will just get you hurt.
13.   If you were Romeo and Juliet, this means you would both die young. Keep this in mind.
14.   If you and this person are meant to be together, you will end up together on God’s timing. Cause your timing really sucks.
15.   The best way to get over heartbreak is to run to God. (Though, stuff like chocolate does help…)
16.   If a person has a bad history with relationships, you’re not The One to change him (or her).
17.   DO NOT be alone in a car with your gf/bf or someone who might soon be that. You don’t have as much self control as you think you do.
18.   Don’t go to movies alone with this person either.
19.   If you must break rule 18 but nothing happened, then you’d better have someone else picking you up so you don’t break rule 17.
20.   A relationship where one is (or should be) in college and the other is still a junior or lower in highschool is just begging for trouble.
21.   Your body is about as precious as your heart. Don’t talk yourself into or let yourself be talked into physical stuff that you know you’ll feel guilty about later. Cause if it makes you feel guilty, then it was probably most definitely wrong.
Ok so, that’s my Valentine’s update. Yeahhh it’s a little late and I’m sorry about that…
But this isn’t just for Valentine’s day/Single’s Awareness day.
This is kind of a very, very brief “guidelines to your love life.”
Please feel free to leave me feedback, or email me at endlesstunnels@gmail.com… And of course… you’re always more than welcome to share this with your friends.
Peace out and Goodnight!

1 comment:

Sorry you have to fill out that box verification thing. I hate it too. But I have had more spam comments asking for credit card info than I would like to leniently allow :/

It is a sad, mediocre world we live in. BUT THANKS FOR COMMENTING! You are sunshine :)