Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What is your place?

What's the leading cause of suicide?


We do it every day. It's second nature. But every time you condemn a person based on what they look like,  you're adding hate to a scale. You know that one boy, who sits in the back of class, wears a lot of the same clothes every day, gets straight A's and talks to no one?

Avoiding him and branding him emo or weird isn't helping anyone.

Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart.

Now, I know you've heard this a million and a half times, but you have to show people a little love.

Is it really so hard to say hi to a person?

A person isn't who they hang out with, or what they wear, or listen to.
A person is who they are before God. A person is an individual.

There's this huge debate about abortion.  When is a person a person? When do they get rights?

My question is, why don't we get to keep our rights? As soon as we're born we're labelled. As children we are what family we come from. The older we get, the more is added to who we "are."

Are you smart? No one in elementary school wants to talk to you. If you continue to be smart, you will forever and always be a nerd.
Unless you play a sport, of course. Because that automatically makes you cool.

Once you reach highschool, if you can play guitar then the world is pretty much yours.
Unless, you know, you wear glasses and have acne or something. Thennnn you're just that strange kid who plays music.

If you're an actor, you're gay if you're a guy and you're a drama queen if you're a girl.

If you play video games, you're a gamer/nerd.

Etcetera, etcetera...

This is stereotyping. And it limits us to our labels only.

I know you know that labels only belong on cans, but shush. I'm making a point here.

Most labels are harmless, until we start acting upon those labels.

Don't talk about other people behind their back. What good is that doing the world. Are you getting anything at all done? Anything?? No? Well ok then. Use the brain you have and talk about something else.

And parents? Unless you actually know the kid, or know for a fact that they're a bad person and will be a bad influence, do not judge your child's choice of friends!

Yes, you want to keep your kid safe. But does that mean you have ot hurt some other innocent youth to do so?

Heartbreak is built on judgement and hate.

And a lot of teens kill themselves over heart break.

Just who do you think you are, that you can judge a person?
Who do you think you are, that you can hand them another drop of poison?

Everyone has power of life and death. Of good and evil. And that's why we all are sinners.



  1. trudat. life and death are in the power of the tongue.
    it makes me so upset how much gossip i hear especially from people at church.

    it's terrible and wears on a person. i know when i won the school's geography bee everyone said it was because i cheated because i wasn't the favorite to win.
    when i played guitar during recess in jr. high i was called alanis morrissette and asked if i was going to make a music video walking around naked and then they threw basketballs at my head. :( because i wasn't "cool," i was quiet (suicidally depressed actually), and smart, and i kept to myself

    even as recently as this past year i got booted from my worship team because i had been having a hard year and since i didn't walk around all chipper all the time and answered honestly to questions like "how are you" (I answered "cold." i got in trouble for that.) i seemed to be "too negative" and "perceptions matter."

    thanks for this post. it was encouraging.

    we really need to break off the words that have been spoken over us and stop contributing to the problem. call me on it if you ever see me doing it, ok?

    i really like the line "A person isn't _________.
    A person is who they are before God. A person is an individual."


  2. Knowing where this blog comes from, at least a little bit, makes me tear and it hits the heart. good writing..


Sorry you have to fill out that box verification thing. I hate it too. But I have had more spam comments asking for credit card info than I would like to leniently allow :/

It is a sad, mediocre world we live in. BUT THANKS FOR COMMENTING! You are sunshine :)