So allow me to try to remedy this.
We'll start from "The point is, what do we as humans value? And what should we value?"
Though I did like what I answered to this before, looking over it now I noticed that I missed quite a bit of the answer. I only said what we do value.
So what, then, should we value?
Think about it. What in life is going to matter? The easiest answer is that nothing matters. And that's the answer I usually would give.
But the idea of this blog isn't for the easy answers. Otherwise it wouldn't be Trains of Thought at endlesstunnels.blogspot. It would be The Train at onetrackmind.blogspot.
What matters is things that will last, things that will make you think. Things that will push you to question your answers. And, most importantly, things that will push you to God.
What we should value is conversations where we end up with new and improved concepts, not conversations where we learned some new random bit of gossip.
I payed attention to myself and to my friends yesterday and today, after writing the last post, and I noticed my favorite friends are the ones that don't waste time talking about the stuff that won't matter. Not that I don't like my other friends. I love them all. But if I were stuck in a car or on a plane or on a deserted island with one of them for a very long time, I know which ones I'd rather have around.
Think through your friends. Who would you rather have around? Why? Where will your friends get you in life? Will the things you talk about now make an important impact on your life and how you think and act in ten years? Or will you look back on any of those conversations you actually remember and ask yourself how you could have been so juvenile?
I'm not saying ditch your people. I'm just saying, maybe try to take control of the conversations. Bring up important subjects more often. And if you doing this at all, ever, makes your friends uncomfortable... Well, honestly, maybe you do need better companions.
Of course, as I said before, the pointless stuff is ok, in moderation. Meaning talking about the important stuff that makes you think is awesome, but if that's all you ever talk about your brain might implode within your head. But if you make those kind of topics take priority, eventually you'll get so used to it that everything else will seem useless anyways.
Not that I'm saying you should strictly have philosophical debates all the time. My brain would die if I did that. I'm just saying you shouldn't settle for drama.
Find the balance of what has value and what doesn't. And girls, (I can't really speak for guys since I'm not one) if you're talking about guys, who's cute, crushes, who's a cute couple, etc, that automatically has no value. Talk about Jesus instead ;) (No seriously, try this. I don't care how many times you've heard this, I really want to see a group of seemingly average teen girls who, as they walk past me, are talking about the awesomeness of God. It would make my day. No, scratch that, it would make my Life.)
Hopefully, that makes a lot more sense than last night's post. And, even more hopefully, you'll read this and decide to try it.
I have to get up early tomorrow (Early being before 10...) so, goodnight for now....
May God bless you awesomely today.
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Sorry you have to fill out that box verification thing. I hate it too. But I have had more spam comments asking for credit card info than I would like to leniently allow :/
It is a sad, mediocre world we live in. BUT THANKS FOR COMMENTING! You are sunshine :)