Friday, January 22, 2010

Oh, the weight of words!

Everyone has them. That one or two people in the group that just can't stop talking about their boyfriend or girlfriend, or their current crush.

They're that one person, or two people, that you really don't mind it if they're not around.

If you don't have one of those in the group, but you've noticed you get ignored a lot, that may be you. Pay attention to what you talk about. And don't feel offended if you're reading this and you know that's you.

I don't hate you. You just annoy me a bit.

Anyways, the point of this isn't to try to eradicate those people by informing them of their existence.

The point is, what do we as humans value? And what should we value?

The people we like to hang out with are the people that either listen to our problems, or the people that don't tell anyone about their problems and therefore are fun and interesting.

Makes sense, doesn't it? If no one talked bout life's issues, the world would seem like a place of peace and happiness. Not many really do care when they ask you, "How are you?" And if they do care, chances are they're going to stop caring if you tell them.

Then again, if a person really does keep caring about other's problems, they'll end up overloaded with everything. And half of it probably won't matter in the grand scheme of things (i.e., a person's love life and its obstacles. It matters, but not enough to consume everything you talk about)

So where is the balance? Obviously, ignorance is not an option. The external bliss of ignorance comes with a price of deep internal damage.

But life isn't exactly something that people like to hear about, either. It just goes on and on, until one day it just stops. End of temporal story. Then eternity begins and nothing human really matters anyways.

How do we gauge, then, what is important to share?

I guess the only thing I can think of is, if you're talking about a single thing all the time, and the person/people you're talking to are not involved in any of what you're talking about, you're going to bore the person to death.

Meaning that tv show you always watch really won't matter to anyone who doesn't watch it. And how you met whomever is better kept in a diary, or only for when someone asks.

Judge by relevance. Judge by whether or not it has absolutely no relevance to who you're talking to, and it isn't something they can pray for or just generally help you with.

Weigh your words. They will each be counted in eternity, each remembered and judged.

Note: If it's something that you absolutely have to tell someone because it's imperative that they know, it's perfectly fine.
AND furthermore, talking about things that aren't relevant is fine IN MODERATION.

Now hopefully I've made myself clear... And obviously, these are just my thoughts and opinions. But in my opinion, this would help a lot to keep people as friends with each other.

Anywho. I'm an hour an a half past my bedtime. But I had the pressing need to write something, and this is what came out..

Peace to you all!


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Sorry you have to fill out that box verification thing. I hate it too. But I have had more spam comments asking for credit card info than I would like to leniently allow :/

It is a sad, mediocre world we live in. BUT THANKS FOR COMMENTING! You are sunshine :)