Friday, January 20, 2012

You are Nothing.

This may or may not happen more often, but... This post isn't written in a logical, essay like form. It doesn't sound like I'm lecturing you. Actually. It may sound like I'm mocking you. Not sure. Some of it rhymes. Most of it doesn't. 
It leads into something else I want to post about later though, so that's why it's here instead of somewhere else, like my deviant account or my other blog... 
But enough rambling. Without further adieu...

Things get done.
That’s just how it goes.
You have your highs, you have your lows
You deal.
You survive.
It is the strength you have as a human... And it is not enough.
Never enough. 
You are not enough.
A truth. Something that resounds strongly in your head. 
You are not enough.
It hurts, doesn’t it? 
I know, I know it does… You are not enough.
Enough for what?
Enough to live. Enough to survive maybe but you will always break.
Enough for a day, but that’s all it would take. 
There is no way that you can stand,
It's like living on a sinking land.
There is no place for you to thrive.
And as you are, you know you’re not quite alive…
It’s not my problem.
It never was.
It is yours.
You are not enough. 
I know what that one feels like.
You are not enough;
It is the truth.
But it is out of context. 
Standing alone, you feel the burden of knowing that the damage you take, and the damage you do, rests fully upon your shoulders.
The weight of the world.
Your world.
You can’t hold it; who the hell do you think you are to even try?
How dare you?
You pitiful creature… 
Is that what you hear?
I have.
Not like that. Not always so much melodrama.
But that is there.
The pain.
The sentiment behind it.
The knowing, deep inside, how little you are…
That feeling when you look up at the clouds and space and think of all the millions of things that surround you and are overtaking your life and suddenly…
Give up.
It is the only answer. 
Why do you even try?
A truth, again. 
You are not enough.
Why do you keep trying.
It is the truths that condemn.
It is the truths that we end up learning to deny.
This is the way it gets 
Twisted in our heads it gets
Changed around, mangled it gets
Turned around so we learn to 
Name the truth a lie and call the lies our foundation we get
Built up on everything that isn’t real.
It’s time for a change.
Guess what?
You are not enough.
Why do you keep trying?
Give up.
Let it fall where it may.
You can’t hold it up.


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Sorry you have to fill out that box verification thing. I hate it too. But I have had more spam comments asking for credit card info than I would like to leniently allow :/

It is a sad, mediocre world we live in. BUT THANKS FOR COMMENTING! You are sunshine :)