Monday, June 7, 2010

Just thinking out loud...

I have thus so far utterly failed at regular blog updates. Sigh...

Anyways, Now that I yet again have need of somewhere to dump all my thoughts, I'm updating again. (You: Joy oh rapture. I'm going back to that lolcats site) Well fine then. I never wanted you here anyways...

Moving on.

Some of this stuff may end up becoming bigger posts later, but I have a bunch of things I want to write on and can only come up with a paragraph for. So here's all that stuff.

Starting with... Fan pages. Or Like pages, I suppose. Why is it such a big deal that they made it liking instead of becoming a fan? We waste so much time on FB liking stuff. There isn't' a point to it, really, but it's become like breathing. You see the title, you agree with it, you like it. Has anyone noticed that half the pages don't even link to FB, but to a site specifically for spamming, or for scamming, etc? Sitting on FB liking pages is a clear sign that you need a life.

Not that I'm excluding myself. I've liked hundreds of pages, and haven't really thought about it till now. Next time you're about to like a page, stop yourself, ask yourself if liking th page has a point, and if there is no point (There's nothing better to do, and, because I can, are Not valid points.) then don't click the button.

(And then get off FB and go do something useful. Like writing, or learning to play an instrument, or helping the little old lady across the street with her garden.)

Next order of business, Energy drinks. I've got a few friends that are addicted to them. Quite simply put, they're legal drugs/alcohol. You can't get mad at states that make recreational drugs legal if you like energy drinks. You just can't. Granted, they don't have seriously bad short term effects on people, but then again neither does smoking. (You: *sips venom* I see no problem with this...)

Addiction is not a good thing. Seriously guys. And dumping a bunch of vitamins into yourself is a bad idea too. There are reasons they have recommended dosages on vitamin pills.

Thats what she said. (You: That makes no sense) Exactly. And if it did, why would you laugh? Everyone laughs at pervertedness. Why is it even funny? Really think about this one. There is absolutely no reason for it. (You: But I bet you laugh too, don't you.) I never said I didn't. But I'm working on not. It's a bad habit that everyone really should give up on. After all, since when is sex a joke?

Basically, a lot of stuff in the world is just crap. But then again, what are we supposed to do in the world? Hm, good question. What do we use our time for? What is useful?

That's a really good question that I can't really answer. But don't run around wasting time. Yeah, you've got years ahead of you and can do whatever's important then, but what if you got important stuff done Now? If you're gonna waste your time, do something more or less useful, like reading a book. Or if you hate reading, go swimming or something. Or if you don't like swimming, figure it out cause I'm not going to make a list of useful things you can do with yourself.

You have a brain, Use it.

That's another pet peeve of mine. Everyone has a brain, so why don't people think? And when they do think, half of the time they only half think through things and end up drowning in Jello. (You: Jello?) Yes, Jello. Transparent crap that tastes good and looks good but has no real use.

Granted, just case you have a brain doesn't mean you're a fast thinker. Which is why Jello is partially excusable. But only partially, because some stuff is freakishly obvious. You shouldn't choose not to use your brain. It because society does that that society is on the decline (and by on the decline I mean we're sitting in a ditch watching as it digs itself deeper.)

Anyways. That's my party of brain today. And yesterday. And all last month.

Well, ok, so the teen relationships thing's been on my mind too, but there are plenty of posts here for that one if you just scroll down...

Hopefully next time I post will be sometime soon and will be all one topic and will make more sense. Until then... Idk comment and start an argument. Those are always fun.

Have a wonderful life...
