About the Blog

What is this blog about? Well, if you read the posts I can nearly promise you you'll figure it out. But if you'd rather it be set out all nice and definitively for you, here it is.

This is a train track. I own this pic. I took it. It seemed appropriate to put it here.
So, it's obviously not about literal trains. I don't know enough about literal trains to make a blog about them. And it's not about train tracks, either. Don't get confused.

It's actually about thoughts. Hence, trains of thought. (You're smart though. You probably guessed that.)

This is a blog where I think about things, and write what I think, because it seems to me that most people spend their time not thinking. I can't change that, but I can try.

Why trains? Maybe I'll make another page for that! Someday. When I finish that anyways. It's kind of a long explanation that feels like a train ride in and of itself. Maybe not even worth posting.

(Very basically, all thoughts follow something. I call them train tracks. Making all our thoughts trains. But that's very very basic. Email me if you want more.)

The point of this is that so often, I see people thinking wrong things and getting hurt, and it hurts me to see them hurt. So I write here and hope that I make some people think good thoughts annnnd maybe God willing, draw people closer to His heart.

Cuz that's what it's all about. (Not the hokie pokie.)

Anyways. Questions? Comments? Feel free to comment! I'm serious on this. If you're too shy, tho, or if you really just need someone to talk to, I have an email for the blog. Endlesstunnels@gmail.com, if I remember right. I usually forget that I have that email though. but if you very helpfully comment to say you emailed me that would be awesome. And I'll get back to you promptly.

Oh. And I really appreciate comments. Currently the blog has 23 comments and 61 posts. A third of the comments are my replies. If you don't comment that's pretty normal and most people wouldn't care to.... But I really really like when people take the time to say something here.

Specially if you have like, questions or something..

And if you have something you'd like me to write about I will most likely write about that within a week. I just need a little encouragement. Like a comment here. (We get it. You like comments) No, I can't state that enough. (Yes you can.) Ok I probably can. (Thank you) You're welcome.

Thanks for reading, btw :)

Oh, and if you live in Russia, Germany, or Ireland... Say hi! or any other country for that matter. I don't know if anyone actually reads from there, but according to the blog stats tracker there are a couple people who do....

I'm done talking now. Here anyways.