Friday, January 27, 2012

You are Nothing.......... If you stand alone.

“Guess what?
You are not enough.
Why do you keep trying?
Give up. “
It’s true, what I said last time. (You need to read this post before you can read the one you're at now. It is imperative. Sorry.) [(... I'm not actually sorry. Go read it.)]
Yeah, so maybe the post was a little cruel sounding (You: A little cruel sounding? A Little, cruel sounding? You sick, sadistic human being…) Well, alright. So maybe a little more than a little harsh.
But why dance around it? It’s something we all hear, something we all feel.. Why pretend that isn’t an accusation on your heart?
If no one brings up the cruel things in life, all our problems will never be solved.
That’s my theory, anyways. (You: Well, your theory sucks.) Fine, I’ll write about kittens next time.
But until then, lemme finish up here. Last week’s post was not a meandering stab at your heart. 
We’ve all heard the saying, “The truth will set you free.” And we all know, it’s true. 
But context is everything.
If I were to look a girl in the eyes and say “You are beautiful,” she’d probably smile. It’d hit her heart a little, but not much. However, if a guy did the same thing, she’d probably blush a little and she’d feel it more. She’d believe it a little more. And if the guy she likes did the exact same thing, she’d be on cloud nine. She’d spend the rest of the day living off the emotions from that comment. 
One truth. Three reactions.
Now, take the phrase “You’re beautiful,” and put it into advertising. Stick it on the walls of Victoria’s Secret. Stick it in a shampoo commercial. Suddenly, this truth is a ploy. A lure. A trap of sorts. 
Give the phrase to a rapist (Or, you know, someone friendlier. A player maybe.) Now this truth is deadly.
The truth in and of itself is neutral. It’s how you use it that counts.
Now that we’ve settled that, let’s move on.
“You are not enough.” 
That’s another truth. Do you see where I’m going with this? When we hear this one, we immediately rebel against it. “No! I am enough!” we cry, desperately hoping to ease the pain we feel. 
And that’s exactly the reaction the enemy would want. I don’t talk about spirit stuff much. I mostly just lean towards God. But allow me to introduce you to the dark side, and what the dark side does.
The truth is, you alone are not enough. 
God designed you to work with people, and most importantly to work with him. Companionship. We weren’t made to lean solely upon ourselves. But then the prince of shadows came along and said, “Hmm. If I focus on that truth, I bet you the sad little humans’ll start running from it.” And that’s exactly what has happened. When you take the truth out of the context of leaning on God, suddenly, you feel weak. You feel insignificant. And, you have no reasoning behind it. 
The truth is, you are weak.
The truth is, you are insignificant.
The truth is, you were made to lean on God and you were made to find your significance in Him. 
But we’ve turned from that and we’ve built our own lies. We call them the truth, because they feel safer than the accusations of our hearts. And still, the accusations stand because, well, the accusations are not false.
It all depends on the context. It all depends on what you finish the sentence with. On where it comes from. On who’s saying it. On what meaning you give it.

It's time for a change.
You are not enough… Because you need God.
Why do you keep trying? … Your insistence on leaning upon your brokenness is killing you.
Give up…. And let God take control. 
Let it fall where it may. When you are looking at God, the world around you stops mattering.
You can’t hold it up. It’s not your place.


Friday, January 20, 2012

You are Nothing.

This may or may not happen more often, but... This post isn't written in a logical, essay like form. It doesn't sound like I'm lecturing you. Actually. It may sound like I'm mocking you. Not sure. Some of it rhymes. Most of it doesn't. 
It leads into something else I want to post about later though, so that's why it's here instead of somewhere else, like my deviant account or my other blog... 
But enough rambling. Without further adieu...

Things get done.
That’s just how it goes.
You have your highs, you have your lows
You deal.
You survive.
It is the strength you have as a human... And it is not enough.
Never enough. 
You are not enough.
A truth. Something that resounds strongly in your head. 
You are not enough.
It hurts, doesn’t it? 
I know, I know it does… You are not enough.
Enough for what?
Enough to live. Enough to survive maybe but you will always break.
Enough for a day, but that’s all it would take. 
There is no way that you can stand,
It's like living on a sinking land.
There is no place for you to thrive.
And as you are, you know you’re not quite alive…
It’s not my problem.
It never was.
It is yours.
You are not enough. 
I know what that one feels like.
You are not enough;
It is the truth.
But it is out of context. 
Standing alone, you feel the burden of knowing that the damage you take, and the damage you do, rests fully upon your shoulders.
The weight of the world.
Your world.
You can’t hold it; who the hell do you think you are to even try?
How dare you?
You pitiful creature… 
Is that what you hear?
I have.
Not like that. Not always so much melodrama.
But that is there.
The pain.
The sentiment behind it.
The knowing, deep inside, how little you are…
That feeling when you look up at the clouds and space and think of all the millions of things that surround you and are overtaking your life and suddenly…
Give up.
It is the only answer. 
Why do you even try?
A truth, again. 
You are not enough.
Why do you keep trying.
It is the truths that condemn.
It is the truths that we end up learning to deny.
This is the way it gets 
Twisted in our heads it gets
Changed around, mangled it gets
Turned around so we learn to 
Name the truth a lie and call the lies our foundation we get
Built up on everything that isn’t real.
It’s time for a change.
Guess what?
You are not enough.
Why do you keep trying?
Give up.
Let it fall where it may.
You can’t hold it up.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Part 2: Clarification.

Since I just totally nailed anyone who cares about anyone in the face with a "YOU ARE WRONG" nail-gun, and slapped them all with self-awareness and called them all selfish....

I want to clarify.

I'm not sure what exactly I want to clarify yet but something needs clarifying and OH THAT WAS IT!

You're not a terrible person.

The last thing I ever want to do is run around labeling people as terrible people. Honestly, when it comes down to it, there is no one person on the face of this planet who is not a terrible person.
(You: Wait, I thought you said you didn't want to label everyone as terrible people)

I don't. I'm not. I'm simply stating a fact.
Very specifically (Which is still very vague, just fyi), No One is more terrible than anyone else.

Because abandoning yourself for others because you think you're worthless is just as retardedly terrible as being full of yourself and totally in love with yourself and thinking that you are, in fact, God.

No matter what you do, if you do it outside of God, it is terrible.

I am a terrible person. Half the time I write here it isn't because of God, it's really because I'm extremely annoyed at everyone I see and know, and extremely annoyed at American culture, and I want to yell at it. Whether or not God speaks through me is a whole other matter.

God can speak through anyone. It doesn't make his mouthpiece Holy or Awesome or Divinely Worthy of Objects and Things. It simply makes his mouthpiece a mouthpiece.

Similarly, someone can be the most useless person in the entire world, and yet totally and completely in love with God. They could spend their entire life doing nothing but working at Walmart. It doesn't make them worthless. Simply useless.

The point of life was not is not and never will be what you do, or how useful you are. The point of your life, individually, is to love God. Once you love God and your main focus is Him and what He wants, once you give yourself totally and completely to something that is unlike you and will never be anything like you, your life is complete.

And at that point? It won't matter where you are. You won't care. God could tell you to go jump off a cliff and you'd do it.
God could tell you to give up the best seat in church and you'd do it.
God could tell you to not quit that one job you hate and you'd do it willingly.
God could tell you to continue what you are doing and being where you are, and you'd be the happiest individual in the world.

You could be Absolutely Nothing of Consequence.... And you couldn't care.

But until you've reached that point, you always will be a terrible person.
Does that mean God doesn't love you?
Absoultely not!
God died for you.
If you never forget or reject that, then you're ten steps ahead of everyone else already!

Because the point isn't how terrible you are.
The point has nothing to do with who you are.

As I said before.

Who do you love?


Friday, January 6, 2012


It's a new year.
I haven't updated in what, a month? 
And I've been thinking, a lot. 

My brain just threw up. Into Apple Pages.
(Sorry if it makes no sense. If you comment to say it makes no sense, I'll fix it later...)

The focus of christianity is to focus on God and therefore to focus through that lens on everything else. Once your focus is not on yourself, everything becomes different. But if you focus on not self without God as your main point, then everything else really just becomes a way to escape self. 
It’s practically selfishness in and of itself. 
You have to be looking at something uncreated. Something perfect. Otherwise you’re trying to put together a thousand piece puzzle, knowing only the picture is a massive picture of tons of balloons, without actually having an original picture. And you’re really only doing it for self satisfaction. 
It is not a direct form of selfishness, because it is selflessness. But not in totality. No matter how much you can say otherwise, unless you do something with God as your focus, you are ultimately your own focus. 
You help people because you were broken. It’s because you were broken.
You feed people because you feel bad. 
Sympathy. Your emotions call to you and you respond to your own emotions. It’s not necessarily for self gratification. But it eases that pain you feel in knowing, somehow, that you are imperfect. 
Because without God, that is all you have. Imperfection. Selfishness. You are a mirror, always. What you do is what you are reflecting. It speaks of who you are. 
If you willingly give all of yourself, you probably hate yourself. You don’t see yourself as worth taking care of, so you take care of others. It answers the worthlessness, somehow. It doesn’t matter how. But it helps.
Selflessness somewhat satisfies. 
But only somewhat.
Then you throw God into the mix. 
Because no matter what you’re doing, it’s because you were built to do something in response to love. 
You are always responding to love.
The question you have to ask yourself is, what do you love?
Who do you love?
Who comes first?
The good little christian answer is always God. God comes first. It’s a trained response. We learn it when we’re little. Always put God first.
Is He, really? 
I don’t know. You tell me.
Who do you love? 