Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I have spoken of truth..

And I have spoken of lies.

And I've written definitive stuff about how awesome everyone is. And I've written similarly definitive stuff about how everyone sucks....

Who people are matters a lot. I think I've made that abundantly clear. I hope I have, anyways. If I haven't, that's what I'm doing here. (You: Oh good. I've gotten that point already, so I can leave.)
No, stay.

Just because you know something doesn't mean you don't need to hear it again.
(Repetition is your friend!)

Lies are things that will follow you forever. The less you do about it, the more attached they get to you.

So, I leave the question to you. I'm not going to make this a long update. Just something to get you thinking, and hopefully something you'll respond to. Mostly because I need responses for my next update, which will be directly from this...

What are lies you know are over your life?
What are you doing about it?
Who are you? (For once, I am sincerely asking your perspective. Who you say you are, not who God says you are.)
How much do you know in your head that you don't believe in your heart?

(Please respond. Even if it's just for the kittens >.>)


Friday, February 17, 2012


So... This so happens to be a topic that's really close to me. For a lot of reasons. We won't get into that, however. But there is some literature that gets spread around, a lot, and everyone I know that's run into it has had their life unduly shattered because, while the information in the booklet is true, it is extreme by no means gentle.

So let's talk about co-dependancy. What does that even mean? Is it bad? Yes. But it isn't something that should sit on your head like a hat that's trying to kill you.

Co-Dependency, to put it simply, is when you are dependent on a relationship to define who you are.

Like, for instance, when you have a close friend and what she says or does changes what you say and do. She says she hates rap, so you accordingly delete all rap from your music library and pretend to hate it too. He says he hates skinny jeans, so you agree and quietly get rid of all your favorite pants.

She cancels plans to hang out, and all of a sudden your world has shattered. You don't know what to do any more. Your entire night has been ruined. You hang out with other friends, but it's just not the same. Even if she reschedules for later, you still feel rejected and alone.

This. Is not. Healthy.

Your life was never made to totally depend on someone else's.

Now, here's where we run into problems.

Listen to me very carefully right now.

You are not a terrible broken person. You are a human being. Human beings were created to depend on people. Thats why God made two of us.
The issue isn't that you are depending on something.
The issue is that you need to be depending on something uncreated, that is perfect and will not fail. The issue is that, while you do need friends and other relationships, you don't need to run around built into how you relate to them.

Your friendships should be defined by who you are, not the other way around.

The question being, how to undo this? How do you fix a relationship without tearing it to pieces?

For starters, you need to smack yourself in the face (Well, not really.) look yourself in a mirror, and tell yourself it's ok to be yourself. You are a person. You are allowed to have your own thoughts and opinions. You are allowed to be.

Then you need to spend some alone time. Just you and God. Just you, being you... With God.

Even if all you end up doing is going on an extendedly long drive, exploring everything in your city, radio blaring whatever you like to listen to. Scream the lyrics. Be happy. Enjoy yourself.

Did you know God enjoys himself? Cause He does. And you should too. Enjoy yourself, that is. I mean yeah, enjoy Him. But. Whatever. You get my point. 

If you can stop being whoever anyone else wants you to be, you'll be fine. Eventually it'll stop hurting to be you.
(if it keeps hurting to be you, you need help. I'm not just saying that. I mean it. Go find someone whom you respect and have them pray for you.)

Always keep in mind... Nothing can change you unless you let it. Unless you want it to. You can't even change you unless you let yourself. Unless you want to. You can't blame God for something that's totally on your head. He made you you, and He won't help you without your consent.

This is all slightly different if you find yourself depending on someone you're dating. what really doesn't help is if you and your person are always together, and if you kiss (A lot.....) and cuddle (A lot...). Things like that tie people to people. Which yeah, you want to be tied to the person you plan on marrying. That's the entire point of marrying them. But if you're tied in the sense that who you are depends on them.... If you're tied in the sense that you need them... That is the entirely wrong sort of bond.

What's even worse is if they've forced this on you. If they tied themselves to you first, or if they tied you to them, run. Break all ties, so to speak. There's not much saving that can happen with this. This is a dangerously bad relationship. This is the sort of thing that will kill you. Maybe no physically kill you... But it will kill you. (I should know... Trust me.)

Be safe.
Be YOU. Yourself. Entirely.
It's ok to be who you are.
Who you are is perfect and amazing.....
*Cheesy, kiddish voice* because God made you special! And He loves you very much!


Sunday, February 12, 2012

More rules :P (V-day 2)

More rules for life. And. Dating. And stuff like that.

1. DO NOT date someone because you're lonely. This will not end well. You'll live by who they are. And if they leave, you'll crash into a sudden desire for non existence, until you find another person to "fill" that emptiness in your heart.
2. DO NOT date someone just cuz they're cute. This is self explanatory.
3. DO NOT date someone because they think you are amazing. If this is why you like them.. Then you're just using them. And you suck.
4. Similarly, don't date someone who likes you because you like them.
5. DO date someone because you think they are amazing, And they think you are amazing, AND (This one is important) you want to spend the rest of your life with them.
6. Treat any relationship as though it is the most serious one you've ever been in.
7. Keep your relationships sacred.
8. Keep God sacred.
9. Don't try to fix the person you're with. If they require you to fix them, then you shouldn't be dating them.
10. Let God take care of things.
11. Look to God to fix your life.
12. Getting mad solves nothing. NOTHING.
13. Getting even doesn't solve anything either.
14. If you take a second to figure out what hurt you and made you mad, you can fix it.
15. If you take a second to figure out what hurt your person and made them mad (Friend or significant other), you can fix it.
16. Stay calm.
17. Kissing doesn't actually make everything better. That's like putting frosting over a moldy cake. You can't eat it, it's still bad and getting worse, but it looks pretty so you'll keep it for longer while it gets destroyed from the inside out.
19. Needing someone is not loving them.
20. God coming first doesn't mean you ask Him to fix your relationship. God coming first means stopping what you're doing, letting go, and saying "Your kingdom come, your will be done." even if it means losing everything. (Especially if it means losing everything)
21. God is not a fixit man, he is a builder. And He built you. And He calls you sacred and beautiful. Don't defile that.

So, there's another 21 rules/guidelines. Thank you if you commented on the last post, I really appreciate people's input. It helps me to fix anything that needs fixing and it also gives me an idea of what to write later on. (That and it's nice to see that someone actually reads and thinks about the stuff here.)

Here's another post from.. Forever ago about relationships, in case you're interested.

I may or may not have another post before V-day hits.... If I don't.. Remember to buy discount candy the day after!!!

(The plus of being single...)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Security in Who you Are (V-day 1)

(You: Kittens? Seriously?)
Yeah. Told you I would. 

The post actually had a point to it... We'll see over the next few posts if anyone got it. (This is a test of your observations skills. And your listening skills. Etc.)

But now onto more serious topics. (Well, ok, to me the last post was a very serious topic, all wrapped up in a silly little story...)

Valentine's day is coming up, and you're probably one of three people. You're either excited, because your person is awesome and you just know something awesome is gonna happen, Worried, because you don't know what's going on and you don't know if your person will be happy or not... Or you're like me and you're alone and you feel alone and this day is gonna suck.

(There are two other kinds of people, the kind who's others have died and the kind who are single but are ok with that. My condolences tot he first of those types. My congratulations to the second.)

If you are the first of the five people I just mentioned, awesome. This post isn't necessarily for you.

 If you are the second... Stay Here. We need to have a short talk.

If you are the last... I'm sorry. I feel you're pain. It is going to be ok, I promise. Someday, you and I won't have to go through this torture every year. Nobody ends up alone forever, unless they choose to be. I propose we spend the 14th finding all the other single people and giving them chocolate. Sound good? Great. Also, you can stay here too if you wish. This is off-handedly directed at you too.

So over the next few days leading up to V-Day, I'll be posting stuff about relationships. (This is my first ever post here. It's my favorite... Well, ok so a lot of them are my favorite. But anyways. If you haven't read it, you should. You should also pick through and read other things from that year, k? K.)

Today our post will be about insecurity in relationships. (You: Well now That doesn't sound judgmental at all...) You use your discretion. If to you, this post is entirely pointless, don't take offense. Just leave. Or send this to all of your friends. Or whatever.

Anyways. Moving on.

Sooo it's almost Valentine's day. You've done everything you can think of. You got him/her a card, and chocolate, and a teddy bear... You've made plans to go out and eat and see a movie. You know exactly what you're wearing. You know what your hair will do, what your make up will look like... Maybe you've even planned conversation.


You have this entire thing planned out perfectly, nothing is going to go wrong this year, it's going to be awesome and perfect and... And... What if... No.. Well... What if he/she hates it? What if something goes wrong? What if they're not happy?

What if you're not good enough?

(Or maybe you're single, and this is the only thing running through your head, as to why you're single.)

Let me start by saying that if you're afraid of not being good enough, you haven't been reading this blog at all. God made you, remember?

But all that aside...

Why wouldn't you be good enough? He/she is dating you, right? He/she clearly thinks you are the most amazing You there will every be. You've been told you're pretty. Stop worrying.

(Again, or you're single. Thought... Maybe you're last relationship died because you spent too much time convinced you weren't good enough that he/she couldn't love you? If that wasn't it, then clearly he/she wasn't good enough for you and is an idiot who was probably dropped as a child and is insecure therefore cannot keep you or anyone around because they are insecure and, well, stupid.)

Insecurities have no place in this day. Valentine's day should Never be a test of how much you and whoever love each other. The minute it becomes that you need to do one of two things. You need to either have a long talk with your person, Or. You need to take a step back, pray, and get some inner healing for rejection.

Who you are is not based on what your person thinks of you. It is not based on how well this day goes. There is some grace, I suppose, for if this is you and person's first Valentine's day together. If you've only been dating a month then ok, I can understand some insecurities. And I'm not saying you should be totally and completely unconcerned about what he/she thinks at all.

But spending a week worrying about it? Questioning whether he/she will break up with you? You are dooming your relationship to a short life of worry and pain. If you're doubting whether he/she is being honest when they say "I love you," then you really shouldn't even Be Dating.

Don't you know who you are?

Let's play compare for a second.

Once upon a time God wanted a bride for His Son, so He made you.


Not some amazing angelic Thing.

He made YOU.

YOU, who YOU are, is more than good enough for God. It is so much more than good enough for God that His Son Died For You.
He stepped out of heaven, stepped out of glory, out of a place where if he wanted it, He could be eating a cloud sunday while choirs of sheep and dinosaurs sang to him... And then became this itty bitty dust-thing sleeping where farm animals eat. He was the poorest of the poor. A carpenter. Not anything wealthy or important.

You're afraid someone will never truly love you?
You're afraid you're not good enough?

God died for you, in a roundabout way. Jesus left the love of his father so he could take up all Your sins.

So if you're afraid you're not good enough for someone, please first throw it into this perspective.

Of course then we have the evil people who make everyone else feel like they're not good enough.

You've heard this before but please listen to me.

If. Your boyfriend or girlfriend. On a regular basis. Spends time making you feel inferior. Treats you like the dust of the earth. Compares you to people they think are better than you. Compares you to their ex all the time, who they clearly think are better than you. Manipulates you into doing things because that would make you more awesome...

Leave them.

They are insecure, and have made you feel the same so that they can keep you. They are afraid of losing you. They are using who you are and what you do as a basis for who they are and what they do. You are going to be miserable for a very long time if you don't fix it now.

No one has any right at all to define you unless they are defining you as God's. Anything else is a lie.

That's why your relationship with God is supposed to come first. Unless you really have what God says about you at your core, you're going to spend a lot of time being miserable and insecure and unhappy.

if valentine's day is a day of terror for you, you really need to question what's going on in your heart, and go to God with it and settle it.

Also, if you know a single person, make it a point on the 14th to give them a hug and a box of candy, k? :)


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Told you I'd post about kittens....

One upon a time, Lenni and Gary adopted a kitten.

They played with it. They pet it. And... They fed it dog food. And vegetables. Mostly vegetables.

The kitten, who was not meant to eat vegetables, was sickly all of the time. But, Lenni and Gary just kept on with the train wreck of a carnivore diet. They told anyone who would listen about how healthy their cat really was.

And then the cat died.

Why did the poor kitten die?

Because no one commented on the failtastic diet that Lenni and Gary had put together.

The moral of the story?

Comment on Everything! EVERYTHING!!!
Do it for the kittens!
